Ferry to Elba Island

Cavo town is reachble by Ferry boat directly from Piombino with Toremar e Moby Lines Passengers without a car can reach Cavo easily in 20 minuts with the Toremar Speed Craft. During Summer season you can carry your car to Elba Island Moby with Ferry from Piombino to Cavo in just 40 minuts. Toremar from Piombino allow you also to reach Rio Marina in 45 minutes (7km da Cavo).

There are also many departures of Ferry Boats from Piombino to Portoferraio wich takes 1 hour trip. Companies are Toremar, Moby, Blu Navy and Corsica Ferries

Do you need a ticket?

All our guest can buy a ticket with Booking Online using a special discount code When you book your dive trio with us, ask us the Discount Code to save money on your ferry ticket

Ferry Ticket Service Elba Island by Traghettilines

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